Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012: Start

This is it. This is the start. A beginning to something new. Such a subtle movement, a simple transition. If you weren't paying attention you would never notice. So strange how such vivid memories can be torn down with such little regard. I am becoming something, transforming into a being. I can't say I am excited, I am not even sure where this leads. But today is a new day.

My chest moves slowly. it's knows. My eyes are wide, blissful with excitement. My feet are ready, pressed forward, muscles straining. The stars are changing, the moon smiles. Everything is quiet, at ease for this moment, this single moment. We see the sands falling into their place, the plastic cube lingers on the corner, the second hand resists before stepping into place... then it begins. Suddenly rushed, spiraling into fierce magnificent blends of color and emotion. Like a practiced dance the long creatures dance in a manner that creates light, expansive and mysterious; moving yet without chaos.

And I am content. My heart beats faster as my body begins to relax. I know I am not giving up. I am simply beginning.